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Writing to Heal the Pain*

Too Intensely Personal

When I read the blurb for this book, I mistakenly thought that it was at least partially about how to do what the title says. Instead, this is a book that contains the author’s writings as she herself was healing from what she perceived as trauma when she lost her job, and perhaps, her identity. The writing reveals her anger. Indeed, she strikes out at the world that has done her wrong. I found the writing to be a little too intense for my own liking. I understand that some of the book is from her blog. I understand the concept of writing as a way into your emotions and as a way to give clarity into your world, but I don’t necessarily believe that such mental musings, especially when they express such anger and bitterness, need to be shared with a greater world. I found this book to be a bit too much.

UPDATE July 16, 2019: It has been brought to my attention that Mateja Klaric has taken my review and posted it on her blog with commentary, ripping it to shreds and making personal attacks. She has done shared my review without my permission and in clear violation of the Goodreads TOS and my personal copyright. I have also heard that she is slandering me personally on at least one authors’ group.

I am a book reviewer, and I firmly believe in my right to give my opinions about a book. My opinions are just that–one person’s thoughts. If an author cannot handle criticism, then I suggest they not make their works public. Clearly, the author does not understand the purpose of consumer reviews.

I have heard that she harassed another reviewer enough to make that reviewer take the negative review down. I, however, will never be cowed. Perhaps it’s my American nature to believe in free speech… and never to be silenced by a bully.

If you want to read more about my thoughts on this, please see my July 16, 2019, post on my Facebook page.