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Sugar Rush*
Steamy, Fluffy Contemporary Romance
This contemporary romance is as light and fluffy as the title suggests. It had some interesting moments in the beginning. I particularly enjoyed the heroine’s relationship with her brother and the early moments of her fractious relationship with the hero. I thought it was so funny that the heroine’s nickname was Tickle. I thought things got a little too sensual too quickly for the hero and heroine given their history. But there were some definitely laugh-out-loud moments in the book. I didn’t really appreciate all the profanity. It started off rather light with the curse words, but they seem to increase as the book went on. This is definitely a steamy read, as much of the later portions of the book seem to be almost exclusively those kinds of scenes was just a little glue in between. If you take it for what it is, a steamy contemporary romance, you might enjoy this very light romance as a beach or weekend read.