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Find Your Mantra*

Not Truly New Mantras, but Mantra Actions are Good

In this book, you will find 75 mantras along with suggested actions for you to take to fully embody or embrace what the mantra is about. The book is divided into 5 core topics: peace, love, happiness, strength, and journey. I was surprised as I was flipping through the book at how common these mantras are. A few of them might be original to the author, but most are short, commonplace sayings–commonplace, at least, if you’ve done much reading in self-help or self-development. What does make this book interesting are the suggested mantra actions, though some are a bit general. After all, it is one thing to say a mantra and another thing to try fully practice, embrace, or get to know it more deeply. I think that’s what this book’s strength is. The writing is a little awkward, as if the writer is not a native English speaker or has been translated from another language. If you have an interest in positive thinking or translating positive thinking into action, this book could be for you.