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Archdruid by Tiffany Shand

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Sibling Rivalry Ramped Up to Fight of Good vs. Evil

This book picks up where the previous one left off. Urien is still at it, even though he is trapped inside of Xander’s body. I actually quite enjoyed the conversations that Urien and Xander had in their conjoined minds; much resembled conversation as you might imagine it would be between brothers as different as this. The novel takes sibling rivalry to the next level in the classic fight of good against evil. I loved Ann’s strength. The book is very action-oriented with lots of twists and turns that will take you for quite a ride. It ends, unfortunately, at what feels like a cliffhanger to me as it is in the middle of a pivotal scene. I didn’t think the end of the blurb was wholly accurate, which is disappointing. However, I’m definitely curious to see where the series goes next.

Embrace of the Shade by Amanda Muratoff and Kayla Mansur

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Embrace of the Shade*

Backstory Woven in the Way it Ought to Be!

I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for just about any fiction novel that in some way has to do with a mysterious book or library. This one has both. I love the chemistry between Kin and Amarie. It sizzles from the start and weaves its way through the book in a delectable way, including well-written, contextual sensual scenes. The story had plenty of action to keep it interesting. I love how the authors maintain a certain degree of mystery about the main characters’ pasts. Fantasy, unfortunately, is the genre that most often falls prey to my most hated thing in genre fiction: the information dump, overwhelming the reader with backstory right at the start. This was not done here, for once—yeah! Instead, we get to know about the world and the main characters slowly as we need to better understand them. In fact, I think the way the authors did it is inherent to and necessary for the story itself. If we knew it all the beginning, the story would not have been so gripping, or the novel itself such a page-turner. So, well done, ladies! I look forward to the next book in this trilogy as well as the greater universe that the trilogy is the starting point for.

Violet Souls by Abbey MacMunn

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Violet Souls*

Violet-Eyed Aliens Among Us

How to classify this book… How about alien shifter romance thriller? Yes, this book has a lot going on. The heroine’s world is quickly rocked when she finds out that she is an alien. There is a bad guy after her because he craves power, and he needs her to get it. The heroin has a bonded mate, but she doesn’t presently know him or recognize him. But he knows and remembers her and seeks to protect her while helping her learn about their society and her powers. The book was a little awkwardly worded in places, but the author kept a book moving with lots of fast-paced action. I really liked Quinn and Lexie, the heroine’s little girl. Jane was a fun character, too. I hope we see more of all these characters as well as find out more about the home planet of Evox.

Beware the Magician by Molly Mirren

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Beware the Magician*

Marginally Better than the First Book

While I didn’t particularly like the first book of the series, I always give authors a chance or two beyond a first bad impression to see if they can change my mind about their work. So I started reading this book with low expectations. I am happy to say that the author did rise a little in my estimation, but unfortunately, there are still issues with the story.

So, what did the author do right in my opinion? Once Ben and Stella finally engage again, I found the story of the Ben-Stella-Tyler triangle to be well written, better than the first as there actually complications involved.

What didn’t I like? I didn’t like the big information dumps at the start of Stella’s and Ben’s respective first chapters. I also didn’t like is that Ben had this sudden meteoric rise to magical fame; it is necessary for the story, but it is so implausible that it just makes me shake my head. So, to me, the foundation of the story was rocky. Given what we knew of Ben from the last book and what he reveals himself to be in this book, it is out of character for him as well as atypical for the industry. Tyler is clearly a manipulative jerk, and I don’t like Stella’s reaction to him. Honestly, I just don’t understand it.

There’s just one more book in the series, I think, and I am curious to see how Ben and Stella’s relationship evolves because it has been quite a rocky road. But if that book has as many issues as these first two, I won’t be reading more from this author.

Beware the Stranger by Molly Mirren

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Beware the Stranger*

Too Much Repetition…Plot, Character, and Gorgeousness of Hero

I found this book repetitious in too many ways, so much that it actually hampered my enjoyment of the story. There was repetition in the plot; there seemed to be a rehashing of the same points over and over without escalating complications. The characters were stuck in their own repetitive loops. Ben seemed to constantly beat himself up over his past, and the heroine did the same with hers as well. They were both so stuck in their respective pasts that their forward motion of their story arcs was missing. I also was annoyed by the repetitious nature of the comments of all the women about how gorgeous Ben was. Yeah, we get it, he’s the hottest thing since the invention of fire; say it once or twice only, please, as it gets stale pretty quick.

Two Deals by Nikki Kardnov

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Two Deals*

Unexpected Twists in Paranormal Story

I had read the first book in this series, Three Wishes, and thought the author had done an excellent job creating a complex world of humans and paranormals. The first book looked at the oldest Blackwell djinn brother, and this one looks at the next in line, Poe. I had found Poe to be an interesting character in the first book, so I was interested to read more of his story. The author did not disappoint. Again, she has woven a complicated the tale with familial bonds, demons, kidnapping, and romance with some steam! Poe at first seemed so self-centered, but beneath his “I don’t need anyone” exterior beats the heart of one who truly desires his caeli match, which in this world means essentially his fated life partner who will extend his powers. The chemistry between Poe and Willa sizzles off the page. Another excellent book in this series, and I look forward to Thorin’s story.

Let the Shadows Fall by Terri A. Wilson

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Let the Shadows Fall*

Quirky Combo of Genres Makes for Fun Read

This is the first book that I have read by this author. This book is a quirky and fun combination of–of all things–the Old West, steampunk, and the paranormal. It is such a surprising and delightful combination. The heroine, Elizabeth, is as plucky as any we see in a traditional western romance. She wants so much to help keep the inn that she believed her family owned. When presented with a way to do so, a whole new world is opened up to her. She had no idea that she was living amongst paranormal beings (dragons, shifters, witches) and had no clue that she was descended from a magical lineage. Elizabeth is a likable and relatable character. In fact, most are in this book, except the ones you aren’t supposed to like. What a very different, pleasing read.

Hidden Enemy by JP McLean

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Hidden Enemy*

More Twists and Revelations

Having read the first two variations of the first book, one from Em’s perspective and one from Jackson’s, I was very curious to see how the author would take it from there. I must say that I am delighted with this book, liking it even more than the first. It seems better paced, and Em has grown as a character. While it is a long book, you don’t even really notice because there is so much going on—on several fronts. The author definitely has some unique twists and turns going on here, and I am curious to see how she keeps that up in the other books of the series. Em is still trying to get control of her abilities, and she learns much more about her past and her father’s. Em gets more deeply embroiled within the world of the Fliers. I do like how this author has created this world-within-a-world setting. The book is definitely paranormal, but it is side-by-side with our world. Very well done.

Prisoners of Scythia box set by Lisa Daniels

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Prisoners of Scythia box set*

Imprisoned Shifters and Their Mates

I have read several types of stories by Lisa Daniels, and I enjoy her writing style. She has a way of drawing you into a story and making you feel for the characters right away. There’s always some level of suspense as well as romance, of course. So when I saw this box set available at one of my favorite book review sites, I was quick to snap it up. I’m happy to say that Ms. Daniels has yet again written a delightful set of stories. She’s also managed to touch upon some deeper themes that we rarely see in shifter romance. To me, one of the biggest surprises is that it isn’t only the ones who are behind bars who are imprisoned in this story. Indeed, the title of the box set can apply to quite a few characters. The women as well are imprisoned in each their own way—one a servant, one a lowly bastard, and one a princess who is being held captive by her father until a particular event happens. Ms. Daniels is not heavy-handed with this theme of imprisonment—showing it through the characters’ lives, actions, and reactions—but it certainly got me thinking about the topic as I kept turning the pages. Other themes that seem to be a part of this include prejudice and nationalistic fear, as evidenced by what happened to the shifters. Each of these stories had such a lovely and heartfelt relationship at its core. Again, Ms. Daniels writes these kinds of relationships in such a compelling way. I root for the hero and heroine, not just for the romance, but for the external situations that they are in as well. The last book definitely had a twist and a surprise; I love that as a reader! Another well-done series by an author who knows how to deliver on character, plot, suspense, and romance.

Time Tourist Outfitters, Ltd. by Christy Nicholas

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Time Tourist Outfitters, Ltd.*

Time Travel Medical Thriller

How fun to combine a medical thriller with time travel! I love the protagonist, and I so appreciate that the author chose to use an older one. In these days of the popularity of magical academies and dystopian worlds, younger people seem to be the stars the most often (and the older generations often the villains). I actually think authors miss out by not at least experimenting with older characters in novels. An author could give such a character a great background (more time for the character to have done cool stuff in his or her life), which can greatly really enhances the story as it does here. The times and places traveled to in this book were so fun to visit. It is clear that the author did some excellent research. I felt like the book was a bit repetitive in places. It could have used some tightening in general. But all in all, I found this book to be an engaging read.



The asterisks (*) by the book title denote the source of the book copy.

One star = I received it as a free advance/review copy or directly from the author.

Two stars = I borrowed it through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Three stars = I purchased the book outright (sometimes for free).

The Amazon book links on this site are affiliate links, which means I make a tiny percentage if you choose to buy a book linked from this site.

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