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Not Another Nob*
Fast, Funny Regency
This is a fun, super short read. It probably is the length of many romantic novellas out there, but it was just so pleasant and involving that it felt like it was over very quickly. What I enjoyed was the very humorous aspect of the story. It started on page 1 and continued throughout. I did think it was odd that the story is written in almost what I would call more of a contemporary style, with sometimes very short paragraphs of only maybe a word, a phrase, or a sentence. In general, I do not like that in historical romances. I like my paragraphs to be a bit more long and formal. But this author was able to make it work. Parts of it were very amusing. There is definitely a Romeo-and-Juliet vibe, as the families of the hero and heroine are sworn enemies. The heroine has a bit of an added difficulty in that her brother wants her to marry post haste; in fact, that is what the opening scene of the book is about. This novella is a delight if you enjoy humorous Regency romance.